You can specify what type of creator you are looking for in the last step of task creation: Creator preferences. The parameters you set here will help attract the most suitable creators for your task
Preferred age and gender
You can specify the age range and the gender of the creator.
Creator tags
You can select the tags that best describe the type of creator you are looking for.
We have 6 categories of tags that define Ethnicity, Language, Appearance, Lifestyle, Occupation and Interests.
Option to add a question
This feature allows you to ask questions that creators will answer when applying to a task. You should use it when you need to confirm or get certain info from creators before approving them to work on a task
get answers that you might need when sending your product. (size, color, design, etc.)
ensure the creator meets certain requirements of your task. (dog breed, car model, etc.)
You will see answers to these questions when reviewing creator applications and in Product delivery page.